Author | Editors | Translators | Title | Published In | Press Information | Referred In |
Marenbon, John | | | "Lost Love Letters? A Controversy in Retrospect" | International Journal of the Classical Tradition | Vol. 4 2008 pp. 267-280
| Biography of Heloise |
Hyman, Arthur and Alfred Ivry | | | | Maimonidean Studies | Vol. 5 New York The Michael Scharf Publication Trust of Yeshiva University Press 2007
| Biography of Maimonides |
Nye, A. | | | | Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy | Vol. 7 1992 pp. 1-22
| Biography of Heloise |
Barbara Obrist | | | | Hyle | Vol. 9 2003 pp. 131-170
| Rufus on Quicksilver, Sulphur, and the Elements |
Salman, D. | | | | Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge | Vol. 10 1936 pp. 103-127
| Biography of Algazel |
Ziolkowski, J. | | | "Lost and Not Yet Found: Heloise, Abelard, and the Epistolae duorum amantium | | | |
Ziolkowski, J. | | | "Lost and Not Yet Found: Heloise, Abelard, and the Epistolae duorum amantium" | Journal of Medieval Latin | Vol. 14 2004 pp. 171-202
| Biography of Heloise |
| | | "Discussing Love: The Epistolae duorum amantium and Abelard's Sic et Non" | Journal of Medieval Latin | Vol. 19 2009
| Biography of Heloise |
Lohr, C. | | | | Traditio | Vol. 21 1965 pp. 223-290
| Biography of Algazel |
Newman, B. | | | | Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies | Vol. 22 1992 pp. 121-157
| Biography of Heloise |
Griffiths, F. | | | "'Men's Duty to Provide for Women's Needs': Abelard, Heloise, and Their Negotiation of the Cura Monialium" | Journal of Medieval History | Vol. 30 2004 pp. 1-24
| Biography of Heloise |
| | | "Negotiating the Boundaries of Gender in Religious Life: Robert of Arbrissel and Hersende, Abelard and Heloise" | Viator | Vol. 37 2006 pp. 113-148
| Biography of Heloise |
Dols, M. | | | "Insanity in Byzantine and Islamic Medicine" | Dumbarton Oaks Papers | Vol. 38 pp. 135-148
| Bartholomew on Madness |
| Burnett, Charles S. F. | | | Mediaeval Studies | Vol. 48 1986 pp. 111-138
| Biography of Abelard |
Georgianna, L. | | | | Mediaeval Studies | Vol. 49 1987 pp. 221-253
| Biography of Heloise |
Crone, Patricia | | | | Mélanges de l'Université Saint-Joseph | Vol. 57 2004 pp. 191-228
| Biography of al-Farabi |
Sweet, Victoria | | | "Hildegard of Bingen and the Greening of Medieval Medicine" | Bulletin of the History of Medicine | Vol. 73 1999 pp. 381-403
| Biography of Hildegard of Bingen |
Mews, Constant J. | | | "The Council of Sens (1141): Bernard, Abelard and the Fear of Social Upheaval" | Speculum | Vol. 77.2 2002 pp. 342-382
| Biography of Abelard |
Roffe, David and Christine Roffe | | | "Madness and Care in the Community: A Medieval Perspective" | British Medical Journal | Vol. 311 1995 pp. 1708-1712
| Bartholomew on Madness |
Signori, Gabriela | | | "Women Readers in the Age of Heloise" | Die lesende Frau | Wiesbaden Harrassowitz Verlag in Kommission 2009 pp. 81-111
| Biography of Heloise |
Bernard of Clairvaux | | | | Omnia Opera, 8 vols | Vol. 1 - 8 Rome Editiones Cistercienses 1953-80
| Biography of Abelard |
| | | "Cicero and the Boundaries of Friendship in the Twelfth Century" | Viator | Vol. 38: 2 2007 pp. 369-384
| Biography of Heloise |
| Burnett, Charles S. F. | | Soliloquium | Studi Medievali: "Peter Abelard, 'Soliloquium'. A Critical Edition," | Vol. 3a Series: 25 1984 pp. 857-94
| Biography of Abelard |
Von Moos, P. | | | "Die Epistolae duorum amantium und die säkulare Religion der Liebe. Methodenkritische Vorüberlegungen zu einem einmaligen Werk mittellateinischer Briefliteratur" | Studi Medievali | Vol. 3a Series: 44 2003 pp. 1-115
| Biography of Heloise |
Mahrt, William | | | Gregorian Chant as a Paradigm of Sacred Music | Sacred Music | Vol. v. 133, no. 1 Spring 2006 pp. p. 5-14
| On the Liturgy |
Posa, Carmel | | | | Magistra: A Journal of Women's Spirituality in History | Vol. Vol. 11 No. 1 2005 pp. 3 through 25
| Biography of Heloise |
| Brower, Jeffrey E. and Kevin Guilfoy | | | The Cambridge Companion to Abelard | New York Cambridge UP 2004
| Biography of Abelard |
Clanchy, Michael T. | | | | Clanchy, Michael T. | Oxford Blackwell 1997
| Biography of Abelard |
Mews, Constant J. | Berndt, Rainer | | | Bibel und Exegese in Sankt Viktor zu Paris. Formen und Funktionen eines Grundtextes in europäischem Rahmen | Series: Corpus Victorinum. Instrumenta Berlin Akademie Verlag 2007
| Biography of Abelard |
Abelard | Orlandi, Giovanni | Marenbon, John | | Collationes [Coll.] | Oxford Clarendon Press 2001
| Biography of Abelard |
| Buytaert, Eligius-Marie | | | Commentaria in Epistolam Pauli ad Romanos [Comm. Rom.] | Series: Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaeualis [CCCM] 11 Turnhout Brepols 1969
| Biography of Abelard |
Abelard | Luscombe, David E. | | | Ethica, Peter Abelard's Ethics | Oxford Clarendon Press 1969
| Biography of Abelard |
| Migne, Jacques-Paul | | | Opera Omnia | Series: Patrologia Latina 178 Paris Garnier 1885
| Biography of Abelard |
| Boyer, Blanche and Richard McKeon | | Sic et Non [SN] | Peter Abailard, Sic et Non: A Critical Edition | Chicago University of Chicago Press 1976-77
| Biography of Abelard |
| Buytaert, Eligius-Marie | | | Theologia Christiana [TChr] | Series: CCCM 12 Turnhout Brepols 1969 pp. 72-372
| Biography of Abelard |
| Buytaert, Eligius-Marie and Constant J. Mews | | | Theologia "Summi boni" [TSum] | Series: CCCM 13 Turnhout Brepols 1987 pp. 85-201
| Biography of Abelard |
Mews, Constant J. | | | | The Lost Love Letters of Heloise and Abelard: Perceptions of Dialogue in Twelfth-Century France | New York St. Martin's Press 1999
| Biography of Abelard |
| Berndt, Rainer | | | Bibel und Exegese in Sankt Viktor zu Paris. Formen und Funktionen eines Grundtextes in europäischem Rahmen | Series: Corpus Victorinum. Instrumenta Berlin Akademie Verlag 2007
| Biography of Abelard |
Poirel, Dominique | | | | Livre de la nature et débat trinitaire au XIIe siècle: le De tribus diebus de Hugues de Saint-Victo | Turnhout Brepols 2002
| Biography of Abelard |
Thierry of Chartres | Häring, Nikolaus | | | Commentaries on Boethius by Thierry of Chartres and his School | Toronto Pontifical Institute for Mediaeval Studies 1971
| Biography of Abelard |
Jolivet, Jean | | | | Arts du langage et théologie chez Abélard | Paris Vrin 1969
| Biography of Abelard |
Luscombe, David E. | | | | The School of Peter Abelard | Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1969
| Biography of Abelard |
Marenbon, John | | | | The Philosophy of Peter Abelard | Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1997
| Biography of Abelard |
Sweeney, Eileen | | | | Logic, Theology, and Poetry in Boethius, Abelard, and Alan of Lille | New York Palgrave MacMillan 2006
| Biography of Abelard |
Heloise and Abelard | | Piron, Sylvain | | Lettres des deux amants | Paris Gallimard 2005
| Biography of Heloise |
Bynum, Caroline Walker | | | | Fragmentation and Redemption: Essays on Gender and the Human Body in Medieval Religion | New York Zone Books 1992
| Biography of Heloise |
Georgianna, L. | Wheeler, Bonnie | | "Any Corner of Heaven: Heloise's Critique of Monastic Life" | Listening to Heloise | pp. 187-216
| Biography of Heloise |
Gilson, E. | | Shook, L. | | Heloise and Abelard | Ann Arbor University of Michigan Press 1960
| Biography of Heloise |
Lobrichon, G. | | | | Héloïse. L'amour et le savoir | Paris Gallimard 2005
| Biography of Heloise |
McLeod, E. | | | | Héloïse. A Biography | London Chatto & Windus 1971
| Biography of Heloise |
McNamer, E. M. | | | | The Education of Heloise: Methods, Content, and Purpose of Learning in the Twelfth Century | Lewiston, N.Y. E. Mellen Press 1991
| Biography of Heloise |
Mews, C. J. | | | | The Lost Love Letters of Heloise and Abelard: Perceptions of Dialogue in Twelfth-Century France | New York St Martin's Press 1999
| Biography of Heloise |
| | | | Abelard and Heloise | New York Oxford University Press 2005
| Biography of Heloise |
Newman, B. | | | | From virile woman to woman Christ: studies in medieval religion and literature | Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Press 1995 pp. 19-45
| Biography of Heloise |
Newman, Barbara | | | | From Virile Woman to WomanChrist: Studies in Medieval Religion and Literature | Series: Middle Ages Series Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Press 1995
| Biography of Heloise |
Piron, Sylvain | Dolezalova, Lucie | | "Heloise's literary self-fashioning and the Epistolae duorum amantium" | Strategies of Rememberance. From Pindar to Hölderlin | Cambridge Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2009 pp. 103-162
| Biography of Heloise |
Ruys, Juanita Feros | Stewart, Marc and David Wulstan | | "Hearing Mediaeval Voices: Heloise and Carmina Burana 126" | The Poetic and Musical Legacy of Heloise and Abelard: An Anthology of Essays by Various Authors | Ottawa, Canada The Institute of Mediaeval Music 2003
| Biography of Heloise |
Robl, W. | Niggli, Ursula | | "Hersindis Mater. Neues zur Familiengeschichte Heloisas mit Ausblicken auf die Familie Peter Abaelards" | Peter Abaelard. Leben, Werk, Wirkung | Freiburg im Breisgau Herder 2003 pp. 25-89
| Biography of Heloise |
| Wheeler, B. | | | Listening to Heloise. The Voice of a Twelfth-Century Woman | New York St Martin's Press 2000
| Biography of Heloise |
| Waddell, Chrysogonus | | | The Old French Paraclete Ordinary and the Paraclete Breviary: I Introduction and Commentary | Series: CLS 3 Gethsemani Abbey, Trappist, KY Cistercian Publication 1985
| Biography of Heloise |
| | | | The Paraclete Statutes, Institutiones Nostrae. Introduction, Edition, Commentary | Series: CLS 20 Gethsemani Abbey, Trappist, KY Cistercian Publication 1987
| Biography of Heloise |
Davidson, Herbert | | | | Maimonides: the Man and His Works | Oxford Oxford University Press 2004
| Biography of Maimonides |
Manekin, Charles H | | | | On Maimonides | Belmont, CA Wadsworth Publishers 2005
| Biography of Maimonides |
Seeskin, Kenneth M. | | | | Searching for a Distant God: The Legacy of Maimonides | New York Oxford University Press 2000
| Biography of Maimonides |
Seeskin, Kenneth M. | | | | The Cambridge Companion to Maimonides | Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2005
| Biography of Maimonides |
Harris, Jay Michael | | | | Maimonides After 800 Years: Essays on Maimonides and His Influence | Cambridge, Mass Harvard University Center for Jewish Studies 2007
| Biography of Maimonides |
Dronke, Peter | | | "Hildegard of Bingen" | A Critical Study of Texts from Perpetua (+203) to Marguerite Porete (+1310) | Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1984 pp. 144-201, 306-15, 231-241
| Biography of Hildegard of Bingen |
Flanagan, Sabina | | | | Hildegard of Bingen, 1098-1179: A Visionary Life | London Routledge 1998
| Biography of Hildegard of Bingen |
Hildegard of Bingen | Palmquist, Mary and John Kulas | Translated by Pawlik, Manfred, translator of Latin text, Patrick Madigan, translator of German text, John Kulas, translator of Forward | | Holistic Healing | Collegeville Liturgical Press 1996
| Biography of Hildegard of Bingen |
Sweet, Victoria | | | | Rooted in the Earth, Rooted in the Sky: Hildegard of Bingen and Premodern Medicine | New York, London Routledge 2006
| Biography of Hildegard of Bingen |
McEvoy, James | | | | Robert Grosseteste | Oxford Oxford University Press 2000
| Biography of Robert Grosseteste |
McEvoy, James | | | | The Philosophy of Robert Grosseteste | Oxford Oxford University Press 1982
| Biography of Robert Grosseteste |
| Callus, Daniel A. | | | Robert Grosseteste, Scholar and Bishop | Oxford Oxford University Press 1955
| Biography of Robert Grosseteste |
Sir Richard Southern | | | | Robert Grosseteste: The Growth of an English Mind in Medieval Europe | Oxford Oxford University Press 1992
| Biography of Robert Grosseteste |
Marrone, Steven | | | | William of Auvergne and Robert Grossteste: New Ideas of Truth in the Early Thirteenth Century | Princeton Princeton University Press 1983
| Biography of Robert Grosseteste |
Ginther, James | | | | Master of the Sacred Page: A Study of the Theology of Robert Grosseteste, Ca. 1229/30-1235 | Aldershot Ashgate Publishing 2004
| Biography of Robert Grosseteste |
| | | The Electronic Grosseteste | | | Biography of Robert Grosseteste |
| | Martin, Christopher F. J. | | Robert Grosseteste: On the Six Days of Creation: A Translation of the Hexaëmeron | Oxford Oxford University Press 1996
| Biography of Robert Grosseteste |
Riedl, Clare | | Riedl, Clare | | Robert Grosseteste On Light | Milwaukee Marquette University Press 1942
| Biography of Robert Grosseteste |
| Grant, Edward | | | A Sourcebook in Medieval Science | Cambridge, Mass. Harvard University Press 1974
| Biography of Robert Grosseteste |
| Muckle, J. T. | | | Algazels's Metaphysics: A Medieval Translation | Toronto St. Michael's College 1933
| Biography of Algazel |
Marmura, Michael A. | Adamson, Peter and Richard C. Taylor | | | The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy | Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2005
| Biography of Algazel |
Janssens, Jules | | | "Al-Ghazali's Maqasid al-Falasifa. The Latin Translation" | | forthcoming
| Biography of Algazel |
Gutas, D. | | | | Greek Thought, Arabic Culture | London and New York Routledge 1998
| Biography of al-Farabi |
Lameer, J. | | | | Al-Fārābī and Aristotelian Syllogistics: Greek Theory and Islamic Practice | Leiden Brill Academic Publishers 1994
| Biography of al-Farabi |
Reisman, D.C. | Adamson, Peter and Richard C. Taylor | | | The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy | Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2005 pp. 52-71
| Biography of al-Farabi |
Walzer, R. | | | | Al-Farabi on the Perfect State | Oxford Oxford University Press 1985
| Biography of al-Farabi |
Zimmermann, F.W. | | | | Al-Farabi's Commentary and Short Treatise on Aristotle's De Interpretatione | London British Academy 1981
| Biography of al-Farabi |
Burnett, C. | | | | The Introduction of Arabic Learning into England | London British Library 1997
| Bartholomew on Leprosy |
Rawcliffe, C. | | | | Leprosy in Medieval England | Woodbridge, Suffolk and Rochester, NY Boydell Press 2006
| Bartholomew on Leprosy |
Jackson, Stanley W. | | | | Melancholia and Depression: From Hippocratic Times to Modern Times | New Haven Yale University Press 1986
| Bartholomew on Madness |
Klibansky, Raymond, Erwin Panofsky, and Fritz Saxl | | | "Melancholy in Medieval Medicine, Science and Philosophy" | Saturn and Melancholy | London 1964 pp. 67-123
| Bartholomew on Madness |
| | | Wax tablet | | | Biography of Hildegard of Bingen |
| | | Saint Louis serving a leprous monk | | | Bartholomew on Leprosy |
| | | Heritage of Mercy | | | Bartholomew on Leprosy |
| | | The Medieval Problem of Universals | | | Biography of Abelard |
Eco, Umberto | | | The Name of the Rose | The name of the rose | San Diego Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1983
| Biography of Bonaventure |
| | | Bistum Mandeburg | | | Biography of Gertrude the Great |
| | | Kloster Helfta | | | Biography of Gertrude the Great |
Talan Gwynek (Brian M. Scott) | | | German Given Names 1200-1250 | | 2002
| Biography of Gertrude the Great |
| | | Gertrud von Helfta | | | Biography of Gertrude the Great |
| | | Liberal Arts | | | Biography of Gertrude the Great |
| | | Liturgy of the Hours | | | Biography of Gertrude the Great |
| | | Cursus honorum | | | Biography of Gertrude the Great |
| | | Fescennina | | | Biography of Gertrude the Great |
| | | Marriage and Customs and Roman Women | | | Biography of Gertrude the Great |
| | | Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus | | | Biography of Gertrude the Great |
| Könsgen, E. | | | Epistolae Duorum Amantium: Briefe Abaelards und Heloises? | Series: Mittellateinische Studien und Texte 8 Leiden Brill 1974
| Biography of Heloise |
Manekin, Charles H. | | | | Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy: Medieval Jewish Philosophy | Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2007
| Biography of Maimonides |
Rabi Mossei Aegyptij | Giustiniani, A. | | | Dux seu director dubitatium aut perplexorum, in treis libros diuisus & summa accuratione | Frankfurt am Main Minerva 1964
| Biography of Maimonides |
| Tamer, Georges | | "The Translations and the Reception of the Medical Doctor Maimonides in the Christian Medicine of the 14th and 15th Century" | The Trias of Maimonides Jewish, Arabic, and Ancient Culture of Knowledge | Berlin/New York de Gruyter 2005 pp. 395-410
| Biography of Maimonides |
| | | Elements and humors | | | Bartholomew on Leprosy |
| | | Constantine the African | | | Bartholomew on Leprosy |
| | | The Catholic Encyclopedia: Leprosy | | | Bartholomew on Leprosy |
| | | The Abbey of Montecassino | | | Bartholomew on Leprosy |
| | | Black Bile and other Humors | | | Bartholomew on Leprosy |
| | | Fair Med | | | Bartholomew on Leprosy |
| | | Anthropologist studies medicine of Tibet | | | Bartholomew on Leprosy |
| | | Livres pour la santé garder | | | Bartholomew on Madness |
| | | The changing status of the artist | | | Bartholomew on Madness |
| | | The Four Humours | | | Bartholomew on Madness |
| | | Medieval Medicine, an Overview | | | Bartholomew on Madness |
| | | New Booklet Gives Guidance On Diet And Depression | | | Bartholomew on Madness |
| | | Antidepressants | | | Bartholomew on Madness |
| | | A Depression Switch? | | | Bartholomew on Madness |
| | | Bats: Why Should We Care? | | | Bartholomew on Bats |
| | | Bat World | | | Bartholomew on Bats |
| | | Wikipedia: Bats | | | Bartholomew on Bats |
| | | The Medieval Bestiary | | | Bartholomew on Bats |
| | | De Proprietatibus rerum | | | Bartholomew on Bats |
| | | The Medieval Bestiary: Bat | | | Bartholomew on Bats |
| | | Wikipedia: John Trevisa | | | Bartholomew on Bats |
| | | Wikipedia: Thomas Berkeley | | | Bartholomew on Bats |
| | | Stephen Batman | | | Bartholomew on Bats |
| | | Suppression of the English monasteries | | | Bartholomew on Bats |
| | | Matthew Parker | | | Bartholomew on Bats |
| | | Overview of the Reformation | | | Bartholomew on Bats |
| | | Bram Stoker's Dracula | | | Bartholomew on Bats |
| | | The Parker Library | | | Bartholomew on Bats |
| | | Bats living in medieval cathedrals | | | Bartholomew on Bats |
| | | Dracula | | | Bartholomew on Bats |
| | | Bela Lugosi Fan Club | | | Bartholomew on Bats |
| | | Bat Conversation efforts | | | Bartholomew on Bats |
| | | Six Degrees of Separation | | | Bartholomew on Bats |
| | | The disciples asleep while Jesus prays | | | Bartholomew on Dreams |
| | | Joseph points to his two dreams | | | Bartholomew on Dreams |
| | | The book of the Duchess by Chaucer, a medieval dream poem | | | Bartholomew on Dreams |
| | | The stuff that dreams are made of | | | Bartholomew on Dreams |
| | | WebMD: Swaddling and Sleep | | | Bartholomew on Infancy |
| | | Baby Centre UK: How to tell the sex of an unborn baby | | | Bartholomew on Infancy |
| | | Pliny the Elder | | | Bartholomew on Lightning |
| | | A medieval tower that had been struck by lightning | | | Bartholomew on Lightning |
| | | Ben Franklin's Kite Experiment | | | Bartholomew on Lightning |
| | | Ben Franklin's Kite Experiment | | | Bartholomew on Lightning |
| | | Medieval Remedy for Lightning | | | Bartholomew on Lightning |
| | | Why the Medieval Remedy might not have been a good idea | | | Bartholomew on Lightning |
| | | How lightning works | | | Bartholomew on Lightning |
| | | Pretty neat pictures of lightning | | | Bartholomew on Lightning |
| | | Volcanoes and Mt. Aetna | | | Bartholomew on Mountains |
| | | Mt. Aetna's recent volcanic activity | | | Bartholomew on Mountains |
| | | Mt. Aetna's recent volcanic activity | | | Bartholomew on Mountains |
| | | Mt. Aetna's Live Webcam | | | Bartholomew on Mountains |
| | | Plate tectonics and mountain-building | | | Bartholomew on Mountains |
| | | The humours (1) | | | Bartholomew on Pepper |
| | | Arabic Medicine in the Mediteranean | | | Bartholomew on Pepper |
| | | Pepper (Piper nigrum) | | | Bartholomew on Pepper |
| | | Chile (Capsicum frutescens) | | | Bartholomew on Pepper |
| | | The Miracle of the Gadarene Swine | | | Bartholomew on Perverse Angels |
| | | Images of the Notre Dame Cathedral | | | Bartholomew on Perverse Angels |
| | | Last Judgment | | | Bartholomew on Perverse Angels |
| | | Passages from the Medieval Morality Play Mary Magdalen | | | Bartholomew on Perverse Angels |
| | | Bonaventure's Theory of Individuation | | | Bartholomew on Perverse Angels |
| | | History of Medieval Philosophy: General Physics | | | Bartholomew on Perverse Angels |
| | | History of Medieval Philosophy: General Physics | | | Bartholomew on Perverse Angels |
| | | Angels | | | Bartholomew on Perverse Angels |
| | | Lucifer | | | Bartholomew on Perverse Angels |
| | | Devil | | | Bartholomew on Perverse Angels |
| | | Demons | | | Bartholomew on Perverse Angels |
| | | Medieval Bestiary: Dragon | | | Bartholomew on the Dragon |
| | | Medieval Bestiary: Elephant | | | Bartholomew on the Dragon |
| | | Aberdeen Bestiary: Of the Dragon | | | Bartholomew on the Dragon |
| | | Rogier van der Weyden, Saint George and the Dragon | | | Bartholomew on the Dragon |
| | | Dragon's blood | | | Bartholomew on the Dragon |
| | | The materials and techniques of medieval painting | | | Bartholomew on the Dragon |
| | | Pliny the Elder, The Natural History | | | Bartholomew on the Dragon |
| | | Margaret of Antioch: Introduction | | | Bartholomew on the Dragon |
| | | Beowulf | | | Bartholomew on the Dragon |
| | | Medieval Dragons | | | Bartholomew on the Dragon |
| | | Where Be "Here be Dragons"? | | | Bartholomew on the Dragon |
| | | Modern Medieval Map Myths: The Flat World, Ancient Sea-Kings, and Dragons | | | Bartholomew on the Dragon |
| | | Lenox Globe | | | Bartholomew on the Dragon |
| | | Catholic Encyclopedia: St. George | | | Bartholomew on the Dragon |
| | | De summa trinitate et fide catholica. | | | Bartholomew on the Trinity |
| | | Richard of St. Victor: On the Trinity | | | Bartholomew on the Trinity |
| | | Charles Hodge, Systematic Theology | | | Bartholomew on the Trinity |
| | | Catholic Encyclopedia: Holy Ghost | | | Bartholomew on the Trinity |
| | | Wikipedia: Trinity | | | Bartholomew on the Trinity |
| | | Princeton University, Garrett MS 28, 243r | | | Bartholomew on the Trinity |
| | | Trinitarian iconography, National Library of the Netherlands | | | Bartholomew on the Trinity |
| | | Wikipedia: Shield of the Trinity | | | Bartholomew on the Trinity |
| | | Number Symbolism in the Middle Ages (Paul Calter, 1998, Dartmouth College) | | | Bartholomew on the Trinity |
| | | Islamic Web: Who Invented The Trinity? | | | Bartholomew on the Trinity |
| | | Jewish Encyclopedia: Trinity | | | Bartholomew on the Trinity |
| | | Hindu Website: Hindu Trinity | | | Bartholomew on the Trinity |
| | | Commentaria in quatuor libros sententiarum | | | Bonaventure on the Necessity of Being |
| | | De reductione artium ad theologiam | | | Bonaventure on the Necessity of Being |
| | | Itinerarium mentis in Deum | | | Bonaventure on the Necessity of Being |
| | | St. Bonaventure of Bagnoregio | | | Bonaventure on the Necessity of Being |
| | | Wikipedia: Natron | | | Rufus on Quicksilver, Sulphur, and the Elements |
Calvert, James B. | | | Mercury | | | Rufus on Quicksilver, Sulphur, and the Elements |
| | | James B. Calvert, "Sulphur" | | | Rufus on Quicksilver, Sulphur, and the Elements |
| | | Wikipedia: Plato | | | William of Auvergne on the Music of the Spheres |
| | | Philolaus | | | William of Auvergne on the Music of the Spheres |
Mahrt, William | | | Guidonian Hand | | | On the Liturgy |
Malcolm Beckwith Parkes | | | Glossario dei termini tecnici e dei simboli di punteggiatura | | | On the Liturgy |
Isidore of Seville (Isidorus Hispalensis) | | | Etymologies (Etymologiae) | | Cambridge ; New York Cambridge University Press 2006
| William of Auvergne on the Sting Ray |
| | | Avicenna | | | William of Auvergne on the Sting Ray |
Copenhaver, Brian P. | | | A Tale of Two Fishes: Magical Objects in Natural History from Antiquity through the Scientific Revolution | Journal of the History of Ideas | Vol. 53 1991 pp. 373–398
| William of Auvergne on the Sting Ray |