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abluo 3 (verb)

to wash away

Hildegard on Water


abscondo 3 (verb)

to conceal

Bartholomew on Bats


abstraho 3 (verb)

to drag away, remove

Bartholomew on the Dragon


accedo 3 (verb)

to approach

Bartholomew on Sirens


accido 3 (verb)

to happen upon

Avicenna on Prophetic Dreams


acquiro 3 (verb)

to gain, acquire

Albertus Magnus on Veins and Arteries


actus , -us (noun)

doing, action, actuality

Bonaventure on the Necessity of Being


ad (preposition)

to, towards

Bonaventure on Is the Human Person God's


adhaereo 2 (verb)

to cling to, hang on

Bart on Quicksilver


adhaesio , -is (noun)

a clinging, adhering

Albertus Magnus on Alchemy


admisceo 2 (verb)

to mix together

Bart on Quicksilver


adolesco 3 (verb)

to grow up, mature

Bart on the Phoenix


adversitas , -is (noun)

adversity, hostility, trouble

Heloise on Romantic Love


aequus , -a, -um (adj.)


Abelard on Man and Wife


aer , -is (noun)


Abelard on the Elements


aestimativus , -a, -um (adj.)


Algazel on the Interior Senses


aestimo 1 (verb)

to value, estimate

Rufus on Eve


aeternus , -a, -um (adj.)

everlasting, eternal

Bart on Trinity


afluo 3 (verb)

to abound

Bartholemew on the Gryphon


agens , is (adj.)

agent, active

Rufus on the Agent Intellect


aggrego 1 (verb)

to collect, bring together

Bartholemew on Lightning


agito 1 (verb)

to agitate

Bartholomew on Mountains


albus , -a, -um (adj.)


Albertus Magnus on the Ostrich


alibi (adv.)


William of Auvergne on the Sting Ray


alimentum , -i (noun)

nourishment, food

William of Auvergne on Spiders


alius , -a, -um (adj.)

other, another

Ockham on Quantity


alter , -a, -um (adj.)

other, another

Thomas Aquinas on Alchemy


altus , -a, -um (adj.)


Bartholomew on Snow


ambulo 1 (verb)

to go about, walk

Bart on Dreams


amicus , -i (noun)


Heloise on Romantic Love


amplus , -a, -um (adj.)


Bartholemew on the Gryphon


amputo 1 (verb)

to cut away

Bartholomew on the Dragon


angelus , -i (noun)


Bart on Perverse Angels


anima , -ae (noun)

breath, soul, life

Bart on Dreams


animosus , -a, -um (adj.)


Bartholomew on the Eagle


annuntio 1 (verb)

to announce

Thomas Aquinas on the Ranks of Angels


ante (preposition)

before, in front

Maimonides on Did the world have a begin


antecedo 3 (verb)

to precede

Averroes on the Soul


anterior , is (adj.)

front, before

Bartholomew on the Brain


antiquus , -a, -um (adj.)


Maimonides on the Existence of God


apis , -is, -ium (noun)


Bartholemew on the Spider


appareo 2 (verb)

to appear

Bartholomew on Mountains


appello 1 (verb)

to call, name

R. Grosseteste on Angels


appetitus , -us (noun)

appetite, craving

Rufus on Eve


appono 3 (verb)

to place by the side

Bart on the Asp


apprehendo 3 (verb)

to seize, grasp

Algazel on the Interior Senses


aqua , -ae (noun)


Albertus Magnus on Alchemy


aranea , -ae (noun)


Bacon on the Eye


arbor , -is (noun)


Bartholomew on the Pelican


arcus , -i (noun)


Bartholomew on the Rainbow


ardeo 2 (verb)

to burn

Bart on the Phoenix


ardor , -is (noun)

burning, flame

Gertrude on Sin and Virtue


argentum , -i (noun)


Rufus on Quicksilver, Sulphur, and the E


aridus , -a, -um (adj.)

dry, arid

Hildegard on Pepper and Cumin


aromaticus , -a, -um (adj.)

fragrant, composed of spice

Bart on Pepper


ars , -is (noun)

art, skill

Al-Farabi on Physics


arteticus , -i (noun)

person with arthritis

Bartholomew on Sulfur


artifex , -is (noun)

master, artist

Averroes on Human Thought


ascendo 3 (verb)

to mount up, ascend

Hildegard on the Humors


aspectus , -us (noun)

sight, gaze

Bonaventure on the Necessity of Being


asper , -a, -um (adj.)

rough, harsh, adverse

Hildegard on Rivers


aspicio 3 (verb)

to look at

Bartholomew on Snow


assimilor 1 (verb)

to be similar, imitate

Bartholemew on the Gryphon


astutia , -ae (noun)

cleverness, slyness

William of Auvergne on Spiders


attenuo 1 (verb)

to reduce, weaken, diminish

Hildegard on Water


attraho 3 (verb)

to draw in, attract

Albertus Magnus on Veins and Arteries


auctoritas , -is (noun)


Bacon on the Scholar


australis , -e (adj.)


Hildegard on the Winds


auxilium , -i (noun)

help, assistance, aid

Ockham on Franciscan Poverty'


avaritia , -ae (noun)

greed, avarice

Rufus on Eve


avis , -is, -ium (noun)


Bartholomew on the Eagle