Search results for:caelestus , -e (adj.) heavenly, celestial
caelum , -i (noun) sky, heavens
caliditas , -is (noun) heat, warmth
calor , -is (noun) heat
candor , -is (noun) whiteness
canis , -is (noun) dog
cantus , -us (noun) song, singing, music
capio 3 i-stem (verb) to take, grasp Thomas Aquinas on Fallen Angels
capto 1 (verb) to try to catch, chase
caput , -is (noun) head
carnosus , -a, -um (adj.) fleshy
caro , -is (noun) meat, flesh Bart on Dreams
casualiter (adv.) by chance William of Auvergne on Providence
causa , -ae (noun) reason, cause Abelard on Parents and Their Children
cerebrum , -i (noun) brain Bart on Dreams
cesso 1 (verb) cease, desist
cinis , -is (noun) ashes
circum (preposition) round, about
circumvolvo 3 (verb) revolve around
clarus , -a, -um (adj.) clear, bright
clericus , -i (noun) clergyman
coagulatio , -is (noun) coagulation
coagulo 1 (verb) to cause to congeal, coagulate
cogito 1 (verb) to think Bonaventure on the Necessity of Being
cognitio , -is (noun) understanding, acquiring of knowledge
cognosco 3 (verb) to get to know, to learn Bart on Perverse Angels
cohaereo 2 (verb) to stick together, attach, cohere Maimonides on Did the world have a begin
collectio , -is (noun) collection, gathering
colligo 3 (verb) to gather, collect
collisio , -is (noun) collision
colloco 1 (verb) to place with
commemoro 1 (verb) to remember, recall to memory
commotio , -is (noun) rousing, agitation
communis , -e (adj.) common, general, public Bart on Trinity
compassio , -is (noun) sympathy, compassion, mercy
competo 3 (verb) to coincide, agree
compono 3 (verb) to put together, compose, construct
comprehendo 3 (verb) to grasp, comprehend Averroes on Unity of Intellect
comprimo 3 (verb) to compress, squeeze William of Auvergne on the Music of the
compunctio , -is (noun) pricking, guilt, remorse
computo 1 (verb) to calculate, count Bart on the Chameleon
concavitas , -is (noun) cavity
concavus , -a, -um (adj.) hollow
confundo 3 (verb) to mix together, blend, merge
congelo 1 (verb) to freeze, harden, congeal
congratulatio , -is (noun) good wishing, congratulation
congregatio , -is (noun) group, union
congrego 1 (verb) to collect, gather together William of Auvergne on Spiders
congrue (adv.) suitably
congruens , is (adj.) suitable, fitting William of Auvergne on the Music of the
coniectura , -ae (noun) inference, interpretation, prophecy Bart on Dreams
coniungo 3 (verb) to join together
consequens , -is (noun) consequence
considero 1 (verb) to look at closely; consider closely
constituo 3 (verb) to put, place
constringo 3 (verb) to bind fast, to compress
consumo 3 (verb) to use up, eat, consume Bart on the Asp
contagiosus , -a, -um (adj.) contagious
contemno 3 (verb) to despise, contemn William of Auvergne on No Singing in Hea
contemplo 1 (verb) to observe, consider, contemplate Bonaventure on the Necessity of Being
contemptus , -us (noun) contempt, scorn
contineo 2 (verb) to sustain, maintain
contingo 3 (verb) to happen, be contingent to
contra (preposition) against
contradictio , -is (noun) contradiction, objection
contrarius , -a, -um (adj.) opposite, contrary
convenio 4 (verb) to be suitable, proper, fitting
convexitas , -is (noun) convexity
copiose (adv.) in abundance, copiously
cor , -is (noun) heart
cornus , -us (noun) horn
corpus , -is (noun) body, flesh Bart on the Asp
corrumpo 3 (verb) to destroy, ruin, corrupt
corruptio , -is (noun) corruption
coruscatio , -is (noun) flash
creatura , -ae (noun) creature Bart on Trinity
credibilis , -e (adj.) credible, probable
credo 3 (verb) to believe William of Auvergne on the Music of the
creo 1 (verb) to create William of Auvergne on the Sting Ray
cruciatus , -us (noun) pain, agony, torture
culpa , -ae (noun) blame, fault, guilt
cupiditas , -is (noun) desire
cupio 3 i-stem (verb) to desire, wish, want
cursus , -us (noun) course, passage
custodio 4 (verb) to guard, watch, preserve Bart on Pepper
cutis , -is (noun) skin Constantinus Africanus on Leprosy