Search results for:fabrico 1 (verb) to make, construct William of Auvergne on the Music of the
facies , -ei (noun) face, appearance, form
facilis , -e (adj.) easy
facio 3 i-stem (verb) to do, make Bart on Perverse Angels
facultas , -is (noun) means, faculty, ability Abelard on Parents and Their Children
fama , -ae (noun) fame, reputation
familia , -ae (noun) family
fastidium , -i (noun) aversion, distaste
fatigo 1 (verb) to tire, exhaust, fatigue
fecundo 1 (verb) to fertilize, make flourish
felix , is (adj.) lucky, fortunate
ferus , -i (noun) beast
fervor , -is (noun) heat
fides , -ei (noun) trust, loyalty Bart on Dreams
finalis , -e (adj.) final
finis , -is (noun) boundary, end, limit
fio irregular (verb) to become, happen, be made
fissura , -ae (noun) fissure, crevice Constantinus Africanus on Leprosy
fluctus , -us (noun) wave, flood
fluidus , -a, -um (adj.) fluid, flowing R. Grosseteste on the Elements
fluo 3 (verb) to flow William of Auvergne on Spiders
fluxibilitas , -is (noun) fluidity R. Grosseteste on the Elements
fons , -is (noun) spring
forma , -ae (noun) form, shape Averroes on Unity of Intellect
fortis , -e (adj.) strong, sturdy
fortitudo , -is (noun) strength Bartholomew on the Bellybutton
fragilis , -e (adj.) fragile, easily broken
frango 3 (verb) to break
fraus , -is (noun) deceit, fraud Bart on Pepper
frigiditas , -is (noun) the cold R. Grosseteste on the Elements
frigidus , -a, -um (adj.) cold Rufus on Quicksilver, Sulphur, and the E
fructuositas , -is (noun) fruitfulness
fuga , -ae (noun) flight, fleeing Bonaventure on the Necessity of Being
fugio 3 i-stem (verb) to flee
fulgeo 2 (verb) to shine, glow