Search results for:lac , -is (noun) milk
laesio , -is (noun) injury
lapido 1 (verb) to stone
lapis , -is (noun) stone
largitas , -is (noun) abundance, generosity William of Auvergne on No Singing in Hea
latitudo , -is (noun) breadth, width
latus , -is (noun) side, flank Bart on the Chameleon
laudabilis , -e (adj.) praiseworthy
laudo 1 (verb) to praise
laus , -is (noun) praise William of Auvergne on No Singing in Hea
lavatio , -is (noun) a washing, bathing, bath
lethargicus , -i (noun) lethargic person
levitas , -is (noun) lightness
liber , -i (noun) book
libido , -is (noun) libido, desire, passion
ligamentum , -i (noun) binding
ligatura , -ae (noun) binding, connection Bartholomew on the Bellybutton
limitatus , -i (noun) limit Avicenna on the Dator Formarum
liquefacio 3 i-stem (verb) to melt, dissolve Bart on the Asp
liquor , -is (noun) liquid
localis , -e (adj.) local Maimonides on the Existence of God
locus , -i (noun) place, location Bacon on the Location of the Universe
loquor 3 (verb) to speak, talk William of Auvergne on No Singing in Hea
luceo 2 (verb) to shine
lucidus , -a, -um (adj.) clear, bright
lupus , -i (noun) wolf Algazel on the Interior Senses
lustro 1 (verb) to illuminate
lux , -is (noun) light
luxuria , -ae (noun) luxury Bartholomew on the Bellybutton