![]() ![]() ![]() Search results for:macrocosmus , -i (noun) macrocosm Bonaventure on Sensation and Microcosm
magnus , -a, -um (adj.) great, big
malitia , -ae (noun) malice, ill-will Thomas Aquinas on the Wickedness of Demo
malus , -a, -um (adj.) bad, evil, wicked Bart on Perverse Angels
mania , -ae (noun) madness, mania Bart on Dreams
manifesto 1 (verb) to show, disclose
manifestus , -a, -um (adj.) clear, evident, obvious William of Auvergne on Providence
mansuesco 3 (verb) to tame; to grow tame Albertus Magnus on the Unicorn
manus , -us (noun) hand Constantinus Africanus on Leprosy
mare , -is (noun) sea
mastico 1 (verb) to chew Bart on Pepper
materialis , -e (adj.) material Averroes on Unity of Intellect
maternus , -a, -um (adj.) motherly, maternal
mediocris , -e (adj.) moderate
medius , -a, -um (adj.) middle Bartholomew on the Bellybutton
melancholia , -ae (noun) sadness; lit. black bile
membrum , -i (noun) limb, member Albertus Magnus on Veins and Arteries
mendax , is (adj.) lying
meridianus , -a, -um (adj.) of noon
ministro 1 (verb) to attend to, manage
minor , -e (adj.) smaller, lesser
miseresco 2 (verb) to feel pity, have compassion Bart on the Chameleon
mitto 3 (verb) to send
mobilis , -e (adj.) movable Maimonides on the Existence of God
modicus , -a, -um (adj.) moderate, small William of Auvergne on Spiders
modulatus , -a, -um (adj.) musical, played, measured
mollificibilia , -ae (noun) softening Rufus on Quicksilver, Sulphur, and the E
mons , -is (noun) mountain
monstro 1 (verb) to point out, show
morior 3 i-stem (verb) to die
morsus , -us (noun) a bite
mortiferus , -a, -um (adj.) deadly Bart on the Asp
mos , -is (noun) custom, habit
motus , -us (noun) movement
mulier , -is (noun) wife
multus , -a, -um (adj.) much, many
mundanus , -a, -um (adj.) of or belogning to the world, mundane Bart on Trinity
mundus , -i (noun) world, universe Bonaventure on Sensation and Microcosm
mutabilis , -e (adj.) mutable, changeable
muto 1 (verb) to change
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