Search results for:oboedio 4 (verb) to listen to, to yield, to serve Bart on the Asp
obscuratio , -is (noun) Obscurement
obstaculum , -i (noun) obstacle
occidentalis , -e (adj.) of the west, western
occultus , -a, -um (adj.) hidden, secret William of Auvergne on Spiders
occurro 3 (verb) to occur Bonaventure on the Necessity of Being
oculus , -i (noun) eye
odium , -i (noun) hatred
odor , -is (noun) smell, scent Bart on Pepper
offendo 3 (verb) to hit; to offend
offensa , -ae (noun) offence, injury
offero irregular (verb) to present, bring forward, offer
olfactus , -us (noun) sense of smell William of Auvergne on Spiders
omnis , -e (adj.) all, every Bonaventure on Sensation and Microcosm
opinor 1 (verb) to think, believe, suppose William of Auvergne on the Sting Ray
oppono 3 (verb) to set against, oppose
opus , -is (noun) work Avicenna on the Interior Senses
ordino 1 (verb) to arrange, order
ordo , -is (noun) order, rank Thomas Aquinas on the Ranks of Angels
orientalis , -e (adj.) of the east, eastern
origo , -is (noun) source, origin; ancestry Abelard on Parents and Their Children
os , -is (noun) bone Rufus on Quicksilver, Sulphur, and the E
ostendo 3 (verb) to show, reveal
ovis , -is (noun) sheep Algazel on the Interior Senses