Search results for:pallor , -is (noun) Paleness; fear Abelard on Parents and Their Children
paralyticus , -i (noun) paralyzed person
parens , -is (noun) parent; father or mother Abelard on Parents and Their Children
pascuum , -i (noun) pasture
passio , -is (noun) suffering, passion Rufus on the Place of the Outermost Sphe
pateo 2 (verb) to be open, accessible, known
paucus , -a, -um (adj.) few, little
peccator , -is (noun) sinner
peccatum , -i (noun) mistake, sin
pectus , -is (noun) chest, breast Bart on the Pelican
pellicula , -ae (noun) small skin
pellis , -is (noun) skin, hide Albertus Magnus on the Ostrich
pendeo 2 (verb) to hang; to depend Maimonides on the Existence of God
penetro 1 (verb) to put into, penetrate
penna , -ae (noun) wing
per (preposition) through Bacon on the Location of the Universe
percutio 3 i-stem (verb) to strike, beat
periculum , -i (noun) danger
perimo 3 (verb) to kill, destroy
perscrutor 1 (verb) to look at, study thoroughly
persecutor , -is (noun) pursuer
perspectivus , -a, -um (adj.) of sight, of perception
pertineo 2 (verb) to pertain, apply Thomas Aquinas on the Ranks of Angels
pertubo 1 (verb) to disturb, disorder, frighten Bart on Perverse Angels
perturbatio , -is (noun) disturbance, confusion, passion Bart on Dreams
pes , -is (noun) foot Albertus Magnus on the Ostrich
pestis , -is (noun) plague, pest
pietas , -is (noun) piety, sense of duty
piscis , -is (noun) fish
plus , is (adj.) many, more
pluvia , -ae (noun) shower, rain
poena , -ae (noun) punishment, penalty Bart on Perverse Angels
poenalius , -a, -um (adj.) of or relating to punishment
ponderosus , -a, -um (adj.) weighty, heavy Bart on Pepper
portentum , -i (noun) omen
porto 1 (verb) to carry, bear, convey Bart on Perverse Angels
porus , -i (noun) pore
possessio , -is (noun) possession, taking
possibilis , -e (adj.) possible
possum irregular (verb) to be able to, can Avicenna on the Dator Formarum
posterior , is (adj.) later, back Algazel on the Interior Senses
potentia , -ae (noun) power, ability
poto 1 (verb) to drink
potus 4 (verb) a drink, drinking
prae (preposition) before, in front Thomas Aquinas on Fallen Angels
praecipitatio , -is (noun) a falling; precipitation
praedico 3 (verb) to say beforehand, previously mention William of Auvergne on Spiders
praedictum , -i (noun) something previously said; prediction
praelatio , -is (noun) precedence, preference Thomas Aquinas on the Ranks of Angels
precedo 3 (verb) to precede
prescientia , -ae (noun) foreknowledge
primo (adv.) first, firstly
primus , -a, -um (adj.) first
principium , -i (noun) origin; principle
prior , -e (adj.) former, earlier, prior
pristinus , -a, -um (adj.) former, original, pristine
prius (adv.) before, previously
privatio , -is (noun) lack, deprivation
privo 1 (verb) to deprive
pro (preposition) in front of; for, on behalf of
probatio , -is (noun) proof, approval
probo 1 (verb) to approve, appraise; to prove
procedo 3 (verb) to advance, proceed Albertus Magnus on Veins and Arteries
procreo 1 (verb) to bring into existence, beget
produco 3 (verb) to bring forth, draw out Bart on the Asp
profunditas , -is (noun) depth
profundo 3 (verb) to pour out William of Auvergne on No Singing in Hea
prohibeo 2 (verb) to prevent, keep away William of Auvergne on No Singing in Hea
propositio , -is (noun) proposition
proprietas , -is (noun) property, quality
proprius , -a, -um (adj.) one's own
provenio 4 (verb) to come out, appear
providentia , -ae (noun) providence, foreknowledge William of Auvergne on Spiders
puer , -i (noun) boy
pulchritudo , -is (noun) beauty William of Auvergne on Spiders
pulsatilis , -e (adj.) pulsing Albert Magnus on Veins and Arteries
pulvis , -is (noun) powder, sand, dust
punctum , -i (noun) point, moment
punior 4 (verb) to punish
purgatio , -is (noun) purging
purgo 1 (verb) to purify, cleanse, purge
putrefactio , -is (noun) Rotting