Search results for:sagax , is (adj.) keen, shrewd
sal , -is (noun) salt, sea
saliva , -ae (noun) spittle, saliva
sanctus , -a, -um (adj.) holy Bart on Trinity
sanguis , -is (noun) blood, race, family Bart on the Pelican
sapientia , -ae (noun) wisdom William of Auvergne on Spiders
scientia , -ae (noun) knowledge
scilicet (adv.) namely, evidently Algazel on the Interior Senses
scio 4 (verb) to know Bart on Perverse Angels
seculum , -i (noun) the world; age, century
secundo (adv.) secondly
secundus , -a, -um (adj.) second, following
seduco 3 (verb) to lead aside Bart on Dreams
sensibilis , -e (adj.) sensible, perceptible Averroes on Unity of Intellect
sentio 4 (verb) to sense, feel
sequor 3 (verb) to follow
sermo , -is (noun) conversation, talk, discussion
serpens , -is (noun) snake, serpent Bart on Perverse Angels
sexto (adv.) sixthly
sextus , -a, -um (adj.) sixth
siccitas , -is (noun) dryness
siccus , -a, -um (adj.) dry
sillogismus , -i (noun) syllogism
simia , -ae (noun) monkey, ape Bart on the Chameleon
simplex , is (adj.) simple
simpliciter (adv.) simply
simul (adv.) at the same time Maimonides on Did the world have a begin
sinister , -a, -um (adj.) left, unlucky
sol , -is (noun) sun
solus , -a, -um (adj.) alone, only
somnium , -i (noun) dream, fantasy Bart on Dreams
somnus , -i (noun) sleep
sonus , -i (noun) sound
sophistico 1 (verb) to adulterate Bart on Pepper
soporo 1 (verb) to fall asleep Albertus Magnus on the Unicorn
sordes , -is (noun) dirt, filth, uncleanliness
spargo 3 (verb) to scatter, sprinkle Bart on Perverse Angels
spasmus , -i (noun) spasm Constantinus Africanus on Leprosy
species , -ei (noun) appearance, sight, view
sphaera , -ae (noun) sphere William of Auvergne on the Music of the
spiro 1 (verb) to blow, breathe
sponte (adv.) Of one's own free will
stella , -ae (noun) star Hildegard on the Planets and the Firmame
suavitas , -is (noun) sweetness William of Auvergne on the Music of the
sublimo 1 (verb) to sublimate
subsisto 3 (verb) to stand still, stop
substantia , -ae (noun) material, substance Bart on Trinity
subtilis , -e (adj.) fine, delicate
sugo 3 (verb) to suck
sumo 3 (verb) to take, take up, assume
super (preposition) over, above
superbia , -ae (noun) pride, haughtiness
supereminenter (adv.) above all Thomas Aquinas on the Ranks of Angels
superficies , -ei (noun) surface
superior , -e (adj.) superior, higher, greater
supra (preposition) Above, on top
susceptio , -is (noun) arrangement; undertaking