Search results for:tacitus , -a, -um (adj.) silent, secretive
tactus , -us (noun) touch, touching
tango 3 (verb) to touch
tardus , -a, -um (adj.) slow, late
temporalis , -e (adj.) of time
tempus , -is (noun) time
teneo 2 (verb) to hold
termino 1 (verb) to end, limit Rufus on Quicksilver, Sulphur, and the E
terminus , -i (noun) boundary, end, terminus Rufus on the Place of the Outermost Sphe
terra , -ae (noun) land, earth Bart on the Chameleon
terrestreitas , -is (noun) earthiness
tertio (adv.) thirdly
tertius , -a, -um (adj.) third
timeo 2 (verb) to fear, be afraid
titillatio , -is (noun) a tingling, tickling, titillation Constantinus Africanus on Leprosy
torpidus , -a, -um (adj.) numb William of Auvergne on the Sting Ray
tortus , -a, -um (adj.) twisted
totus , -a, -um (adj.) all, whole
trans (preposition) across Maimonides on the Existence of God
transitus , -us (noun) way, passage
transparentia , -ae (noun) transparency
tribulatio , -is (noun) distress
triplex , is (adj.) triple, threefold