Images, alphabetical by letter R

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Reliquary at Conques

A Carolingian reliquary located at Conques, originally from Oldenburg in present day Germany.

Provenance: Conques, Germany
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Replica of a Maplewood Bottle from Sutton Hoo

This maplewood bottle was one of six found in the burial chamber of Sutton Hoo. As with all other wood artifacts from Sutton Hoo, this artifact is a reconstruction. All that remained of the bowls was the metal rim of the bottle - the wood would have long since rotted away. Bottles of this sort were used as drinking vessels.

Provenance: Sutton Hoo, England
Dates from: VIIin

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Replica of an Iron Stand Found At Sutton Hoo

The use for this stand, made from iron, is unknown. However, it is speculated that the stand served as a standard for the king. This stand, along with the sceptre, is a symbol of the king's power.

Provenance: Sutton Hoo, England
Dates from: VIIin

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A rock with carvings on it. Labeled as 22 in green binder.

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Royal Abbey of Santa Maria de Poblet

Provenance: Catalonia, Spain
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Royal Abbey of Santa Maria de Poblet

Provenance: Catalonia, Spain
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