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Almohads conquer southern Spain (1163)
Maimonides - Biography
Avignon Papacy
Brigid of Sweden - Biography
William of Ockham - Biography
Battle of Muhldorf
William of Ockham - Biography
Condemnation of Paris (1277)
Averroes - Biography
Thomas Aquinas - Biography
William of Auvergne - Biography
Council of Lyons, First (1245)
Robert Grosseteste - Biography
Council of Lyons, Second (1273)
Bonaventure - Biography
Council of Soissons (1121)
Peter Abelard - Biography
Hildegard of Bingen - Biography
Maimonides - Biography
William of Auvergne - Biography
Fall of Kiev (1240)
Bartholomew the Englishman - Biography
Hundred Years' War
Brigid of Sweden - Biography